STANDARDIZED WORK - Arrears Calculation Analyzer Tool (ACAT)


Date/Version: (12/4/2024 v2)

Process Owner: Financials Team

Purpose - Financial teams use this tool to verify arrears prior to updates to payor/recipient ledgers in AZCARES. AZCARES will be the system of record and ledgers will need to be updated to reflect properly using Arrears Calculation Report on Document Generation.


Step (1,2,3..) Process Step (list of the critical process steps) Dialogue (clear and simple descriptions, appropriate level of detail for the task)


  1. Display the case using the search bar or the cases tab
  2. Type in case number on search of select case from drop down in cases tab

Research case for financial accuracy

  1. Select Court Orders from the Financials menu on the left navigation menu
  2. Select each court order and hit the view button to review sign dates, amounts(current child support, cash medical, and any judgments) and effective dates and begin/end dates within the court order screen and verify against orders contained in the Document Library
  3. Make sure all orders in the Document Library have been loaded into AZCARES and also check ONBASE/Clerk of Court sites for any missing orders
  4. If there is an order missing, go to Activity History and enter:
  5. F1028 - Comments to DCSS Staff. Document that a court order is not currently available. If you cannot obtain it yourself using the court order websites, please reach out to the case manager by email to request it for you. Document all actions taken in the Activity History. You are unable to proceed with the analyzer until the court order is obtained. Check for ADP (affidavit of direct pay) , waivers, and tax intercepts in ATLAS Interim Process
  6. Check for related cases by selecting a Support Recipient by clicking on the hyperlink on the banner at the top of the screen and then select Related Cases in the Related List section on the left navigation menu
  7. If a Non IV-D case is found, check that case for any payments

Access the Analyzer Tool

  1. Go to Financials list on the left navigation menu and select Arrears Calculation Analyzer
  2. Click on new button on top right
  3. Select the oldest court order where you want the analyzer to begin calculating from (from drop down menu)
  4. If multiple cases exist involving same parties enter case number in the appropriate field Add version (example: 001) and your initials 001/XXX EX. 001/AM, use all three initials if you have them.
  5. Click Save

Review Related List within the Analyzer Tool

  1. Obligations - verify each obligation amount and timeframe, excluding any set aside orders, temporary orders included in future orders or not affirmed in the Decree.
  2. Payments - review all payments that have been applied. Exclude any payments as instructed, although that would be rare. example: AZ order and responding to another state. Other states are refunding the payor after we have credited the case. Be sure to hit SAVE once you have completed adding payments. Save is within the popup when adding payments.
  3. Add new Obligations - Possibly will need to add variable obligations
  4. Manual Adjustments of Debts to remove arrears balances/current month charges for a specific time frame. Example: removing cash medical (CCM) charges for specific months the payor had coverage.
  5. Add payments - Credits, Waivers, court order credit, OJ(other jurisdiction) payments, direct payments, N4D (non ivd aka Clerk of Court) payments. If payments are already entered as a credit on AZCARES, you do not need to enter it on ACAT, it pulls it over to ACAT.
  6. Interest Details - Used to add timeframes interest is shut off for incarceration or per court order. You may also turn interest on this screen and change the interest rate.
  7. Any changes to ACAT does not affect AZCARES or the ledgers

Submit and save request

  1. Return to the Arrears Calculation Analyzer button on the top left of the navigation menu
  2. Hit Save
  3. Hit Submit Request to save your analyzer report
  4. Hit View File to see the actual analyzer report

Review analyzer report and submit to supervisor for approval

  1. Using Adjust Case Accounts standard work or Case Balance Details standard work to adjust balances as needed depending on the outcome of your review of each report(ACAT and Document Generation Arrears Calculation Report) .
  2. Case Balance Details/History(AZCARES)
  3. Adjust Case Accounts(Single Month Adjustment)
  4. Caution: adjustments made using Case Balance details(multi adjust) will not roll forward and and adjust future balances
  5. You must check every month for correctness for CCH(current child support) and Interest after adjustments before submitting for approval.


Change Number Change Proposed Updated by?

Change Made?


Reason Date Finalized
example Change font on all pages to pink Jane Doe No Pink not within approved standard font scheme 4/13/2018
1 Type in case number on search of select case from drop down in cases tab Angela Morse Yes Policy suggestion 12/20/24